Why Fried Food Is So Delicious?
Compared with braised, stew and other cooking methods, usually fried food is more popular among people, so people would like eat fried food, why?
1. Taste
Compared to other cooking oil, boil temperature is high, and oil heat is small, can continue to keep high temperature when Fried, able to make food cookedin a short period of time to make food. In a short time under the condition of high temperature heating, food due to absorb a large amount of heat loss on the surface of water, raw material moisture loss less than internal surface, form everyone likes crisp outside and soft inside, inside and outside the crisp and tender taste typical.

2. The fragrance
A. When frying, the moisture of raw water keep no loss, concentration of material containing sweet flavor substances get bigger, taste will be more strong.
B. Fried food has its unique aroma, is produced by fat decomposition, mainly assumes the sweet substance is 2, 4 - sebacic olefine aldehyde; Different oil also has a special aroma, sesame oil, peanut oil, coconut oil, and so on and so on oil tastes are not the same.
C. Some flavor substances is fat-soluble, this part of the less volatile substances dissolve in oils and fats, aroma will look more downy. For the fried food become more and more popular, the market of food fryer machine increasingly take up bigger share. So this is also a good chance for making profit.