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Best-selling Commercial High Quality Fried Instant Noodle Making Machine

Fried instant noodle prpduction line is a series of machines to produce instant noodles with high effciency and large output, this production line can produce instant noodle with high degree of automation, and I will introduce the working process of the producing fried instant noodle processing line.

1. Flour Feeding Machine
Using the vibrating screen conveying system to transfinstant noodlesr wheat flour into the mixer machine (Usually this device is set on third floor of the factory, also can be designed according to your factory size).
2. Brine Mixing Machine
Quickly mix water with salinity and other ingredients, ready to enter the stage of quantitatively measuring water supply.
3. Brine Measuring Machine
The mixing water is distributed quantitatively to the dough mixer.
4. Flour Mixing Machine
Stir flour and water thoroughly to form flocculent dough.
5. Dough Aging Machine
Age dough for about 20 minutes, and then deliver dough to compound rolling section automatically and evenly
6. Compound Rolling Machine
Press flocculent dough into thick dough sheet through roller ready for stage of continuous rolling.
7. Continuous Rolling Machine
The thick dough sheet will be rolled by the multiple rollers into the calculated proportion, to be the thin dough sheet. (There are usually 7-10 sets rollers).
8. Splitting & Waving Part
Thin dough sheet will be cut by the sliced noodles knife into the required form (Noodle spitting cutting knife can be changed according to the different forms of the instant noodles), using the l speed difference will wave noodles into the required pattern.
9. Instant Noodles Steaming Machine
Use steam heating to make instant noodles gelatinization, usually has single layer or multi-layer for selection.
10. Instant Noodles Cutting & Dividing Machine
Instant noodles after pasting are cut into certain weight and folded and sent to box to frying machine tray, ready for frying process.
11. Frying Machine
Instant noodles will be fried in frying machine about 70-80 seconds. Oil temperature is about 160 degree, can be adjustable.
12. Cooling Machine
Cool the instant noodles to reduce the high temperature after frying
13, Shunt Transmission Conveyor
Instant noodles after coolingare respectively delivered to the packaging machine.
14, Packing Machine
Put required sauce sachet on the noodles block, and then finish automatic packing into finished products. Usually for 200,000 bags per shift instant noodles machine, need 4 sets packing machine. (If you need the packing machine, we can equip it with this production line).

Instant noodles is a modern food in our daily life, suitable for the fast speed lifestyle, and the instant noodle processing have been a trend in our modern market, this production line is a good choice to produce instant noodles to be a instant noodles supplier.